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Cost Reduction Strategy
Sourcing and Procurement

FPG has a team of specialists to source and procure the items to supply your need. Whether it is to maintain, repair or operate machines (MRO), or items for general industrial and non-industrial usage, we will be able to locate it for you at the best value and in an efficient manner. 


If you are facing difficulty in finding an item, too expensive to obtain it locally, or simply just because there is too many items in your purchasing list to be sourced, FPG Sourcing and Procurement Service will be able to assist you and meet your expectations. 


Take the FIRST step to PORT your problem into solution with FPG.


You name it, we find it!

Soucing And Procuremet
Supply Chain Management

If you find yourself repeatedly sourcing and purchasing a list of same product/s over a period of time, you will be able to gain value from our Supply Chain Management service.


FPG Supply Chain Management is a tailored service catered to companies who have analysed and know the specific requirement of their inventory supplies. FPG is able to manage their inventory to provide them with a better value that would reduce their cost and balance their inventory to avoid shortages or excess of stock. 


FPG will be responsible in ensuring the availability of stocks, providing high service level in the form of timely deliveries when required and not impacting the business operations.

Our replenishment strategy will handle your inventory management of stocks, which include stocks monitoring, top-ups, deliveries, etc. in typical supply-chain operation.


With our supply chain management, you can bid farewell to shortages or excesses of stock, unforeseen product obsolescence, operation interruption due to long lead time for machine parts that need to  be repaired for unpredictable machine breakdown (emergency request). 


Furthermore, our supply chain management is able to tackle common issues you face in managing inventory and provide you with benefits such as price/currency fluctuation, shorter lead time, better product value, and more.

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Supply Chan Management
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